Domain Credentials

When a device is enrolled in a Dante domain, information about the relevant DDM server and the domain in which it is enrolled is saved to the device. When the device is unenrolled, the domain membership information is cleared, and the device returns to the unmanaged (unenrolled) domain.

If an enrolled device is moved out of the DDM network to another network without first being unenrolled, it will not appear in Dante Controller, because its domain credentials indicate that it is still enrolled in a domain. In these circumstances it is necessary to clear its domain credentials so that it appears as an unmanaged device in Dante Controller and can be used again.

To clear the domain credentials for a device, it must first be isolated using the same method for resetting a device lock PIN.

  1. Isolate the device.
  2. Open the Device View for the device.
  3. From the Device menu, select Clear Domain Credentials.

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