Routing View
When Dante Controller is started, it always displays the Routing Tab within the Network View. In this view the network is shown in the form of a grid. Devices with Tx channels are displayed along the top row of the grid, and those with Rx channels are displayed along the left-hand column of the grid. Initially a collapsed view is presented; individual channels cannot be seen.
Note: If a device name is shown in red, it means Dante Controller has automatically detected an error condition. Double-click the device name to see more information. Refer to Automatic Notification of Device Errors for further explanation.
Note: If a device has Tx and Rx channels, it is shown both along the top row of the grid and also along the left-hand edge.
Expanding the Routing View
The Rx channels associated with any device can be displayed by clicking on the [+] to the left of the device name in the left-hand column of the grid. The Tx channels associated with any device can be displayed by clicking on the [+] above the device name on the top row of the grid. When this action is performed the grid view expands to show each channel of the device, and the [+] becomes a [-]. Clicking on [-] collapses the view. You can also group channels into sets of 16.
The Rx channels associated with all devices can be simultaneously expanded by clicking on the [+] of “[+] [-] Dante Receivers” at the top of the left-hand column. Similarly, the Tx channels associated with all devices can be simultaneously expanded by clicking on the [+] of “[+] [-] Dante Transmitters” at the left of the top row. Clicking on [-] will collapse the view.
Device Name Text Colours
Device names by default appear in black text (in light mode) or white text (in dark mode).
However they may also appear in:
Green text, which indicates a 'virtual device' shared via DDM
Orange text, which indicates a warning state (for example, in upgrade mode)
Red text, which indicates an error state (for example, in fail-safe mode)
Blue text, which indicates RTP transmit flows (AES67 or SMTE 2110 audio)